Digital Photo Organization – How to Curate Those Priceless Memories

Photo by cottonbro studio:

Taking pictures is all about preserving memories. So how do you go about protecting and curating those lovely images you snap? Take a look at a few digital photo organizer tips to learn more.

Back Up Your Photos

This is one of the golden rules of organizing digital photos – everything needs to be backed up. Backing up your photos in a cloud storage solution protects them, just in case you lose your device or accidentally delete something.

Make File Libraries Easy to Browse

Adopting good digital photo organizer habits can really help you to enjoy your photos for longer. Using a consistent naming system makes your photos easy to find, while structuring your folders ensures that browsing and searching through your photos is simple and straightforward. Think about these handy file organization principles whenever you save new photos — it's much easier than doing it later on.

Create a Digital Photo Book

It is possible to embrace all the good things about the digital age — and still feel a little nostalgic for what went before. For many of us, our first memories of looking at family photos involve physical albums that share captured moments with friends, family, and loved ones. You can still achieve the same feeling today. Choosing the best photos from a set and bringing them together in a digital photo book or album is a great way to highlight individual images and to tell the story. You might even decide to print your digital photo book, creating a physical album to enjoy.

Get a Helping Hand 

For more assistance curating your digital photos, take a look at our Digital Photo Organizer course. Reach out to our team to learn more.


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